Our Work / All Projects / Paint-A-Pot Workshop
Paint-A-Pot Workshop

What better way to start off school holidays than to paint your very own terracotta pot, plant a petunia flower inside and take it home to watch it grow? This school holiday workshop booked out before it even begun! Our colourful garden featured our custom-made swirly tables, bollards, arch entry-frame, and our favourite bar with plenty of storage space.


Our eyes always light up when we get asked to create school holiday workshops because it’s when our creativity really shines. To add a touch of Enque magic, we custom made activity placemats for the kids to draw on and take home, plus some instructions to keep their petunias in full bloom.

Project Scope
Concept Design & Build
Graphic Design
Print & Signage
Custom Hire
Activation Ambassadors
Event Management
Product Outsourcing
"My two kids had an absolute blast at Paint A Pot! The two girls who were running the workshop were absolutely amazing and created such a fun experience. I can’t wait to see what is on next school holidays."

Jae, Customer