Our Work / All Projects / Santa Squad VR Adventure
Santa Squad

We love delivering all things Christmas, so we couldn’t wait to start brainstorming how to activate the Santa Squad VR Adventure. The VR game worked through scanning a QR code that led to a series of digital mini games. To encourage customer engagement, the centres needed some Christmas magic to turn a printed QR code into an interactive Christmas wonderland.


The three activation points included the Frosting Squad, Blizzard Squad and Delivery Squad. The Enque team delivered five zones across Adelaide featuring a giant gingerbread, snowman and a custom snow dome – picture perfect!

Project Scope
Concept Design & Build
Graphic Design
Print & Signage
Custom Hire
Lighting Design
Team love
"We loved coming up with ideas outside of the box to activate each centre’s VR Christmas experiences. We had a ball creating the ultimate Christmas wonderland experience. Personally, the giant gingerbread man was my favourite!"

Jess, Enque Agency Founder and Creative Director